Terzo itinerario

San Vito Lo Capo

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Spiaggia di San Vito Lo Capo
Spiaggia di San Vito

We conclude with San Vito lo Capo, an ancient marine town, whose main activity was fishing. Today, tourism is its main source of income, thanks to its climate, sea and beaches.

As for the accessibility of beaches, the City of San Vito lo Capo has become the promoter, along with other public bodies, of a project called "Zero Barriers", which had the aim of facilitating the use of the sea for people with disabilities.

In particular, on the beach, 9 areas, each one of 6.5 square metres in size, almost 60 metres in total, with a path for parking wheelchairs of about 188 square metres have been set up. The typical dish of the town is fish couscous to which a major international festival is dedicated in September every year.

Mare di San Vito
Mare di San Vito

La baia S. Margherita si trova a 2 km dalla frazione di Castelluzzo, accanto alla riserva naturale di Monte Cofano. Lo splendido tratto di costa è intitolato a Santa Margherita, in onore della presenza di una cappella votiva dedicata alla Santa.


From 1 fs to 30 th September from 8,30 to 20,30


1) Information point
2) 2) Free tourist train linking car parks to beaches every 10 minutes from 8,30 to 20,30
3) Bicycle hire
4) Sun lougers and umbrella hire
5) Fitness area
6) Refreshments area
7) Allowable for people with disabilities